If you have come for the love of the dog and the desire to perpetuate the species then you have come to the right place.

What We Do - Stud, Birth and Sell Puppies
Stud Service
Advance Deposit and Sales Guarantee
Your new puppy – What’s next
Health Screenings
We Handle the Collecting and Inserting of the Fresh Semen (Our veterinarian will do this). Price For This Service Is $1200.00, which Includes Up To Three Artificial Inseminations; Additional AI If Needed Is $100.00/each.
How This Works, Read More……
We offer artificial insemination stud services to approved French Bulldog females. Stud service fee is $1000.00, which includes one insemination shipment for one female. The second and or third semen AI’s are free for the semen but cost 175.00 for the shipment. Just let us know when your female is starting to go into heat, so we do not over book the male. Please read the contract: here : We may also consider 2nd pick and half of stud fee if bitch’s pedigree merits it.
About Nobel
Nobel was born on 16 August 2013 in Kirov, Russia. We travelled all the way to Kirov to get him after seeing his handsome father and beautiful mother. He was a gorgeous puppy. As you can see from his Russian Pedigree, his bloodline has champions on both sides. Read more……
ANNOUNCEMENT…Please Visit This AKC Link to learn Of Our Current Offerings.